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歐聖斯中學All Saints Anglican School

  • 國家:澳大利亞

  • 地址:Highfield Drive Merrimac, Gold Coast Queensland, Australia

  • 網址:

  • 招收年級:Year 1 to 12

  • 招收性別:男女合校

  • 短期就讀:提供ELICOS與1學期的海外就讀課程

  • 簡介:本校是一所頂尖男女合校,從幼稚園到12年級共有1850名學生。本校由小學(幼稚園-6年級)、中學(7-9年級)、高中(10-12年級)以及國際學生中心構成。

  • 本校位於昆士蘭黃金海岸中心,距離世界著名的海灘僅有10分鐘車程。學校占地40公頃,擁有現代化的先進設施,包括室內溫水游泳池、室外游泳池、健身房,網球場、籃球場、演講廳、兩間圖書館、教堂、表演藝術中心和計算機實驗室。

  • 本校是一所經過認證的英語語言學院,在校園內為所有國際學生提供高水準的學術和福利支持。國際中心還設有國際學生宿舍,擁有現代化的生活和通訊設施,包括覆蓋整棟建築和校園的免費無線網絡。

  • 本校 5%的名額保留給國際學生,目前該學校有來自14個不同國家的國際學生。

  • 申請流程:

  • 申請本校有課業成績要求,申請者的最近一個學年不得有科目不及格。若有特殊情事可提出補充。

  • ESL課程:本校為受認證的英語教學學校,為國際學生提供高中預備英語課程,學生須透過英語能力考試進行分班。

  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司

  • 住宿:學生可選擇學校住宿或寄宿家庭

  • 課程:昆士蘭制度課程

  • 特殊課程:專業音樂課程

  • 體育:所有學生皆須參加每週的運動競賽項目

  • 學生支援:精神科醫師、學生輔導員、課業輔導員與論文寫作輔導

  • 設施:室內外游泳池、高爾夫球場、體育館、生態湖泊、三間劇場、教堂等。

  • 校園:鄰近海灘與觀光勝地

School information


All Saints is a leading co-educational school with an enrollment of 1850 students from kindergarten to year 12. All Saints is made up of a Junior School (Years Prep to 6), Middle School (Years 7 to 9), Senior School (Years 10 to 12) and International Student Centre.
The school is centrally located at the Gold Coast – Queensland, ten minutes drive from world famous beaches. Situated on a 40-hectare site, the school has modern, state of the art facilities including: an indoor heated swimming pool, outdoor pool, gymnasium, tennis courts, basketball courts, lecture theatre, two libraries, chapel, performing arts centre and a number of computer laboratories.
All Saints International Centre, an accredited English language college, is located within the school campus and provides a high level of academic and welfare support for all international students enrolled at the School. The International Centre also contains an International Student boarding house, with modern living and communication facilities, included complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the building and campus.
5% of the student body at All Saints Anglican School is reserved for International Students and currently the school has international students enrolled from 14 different countries.


Application process

Academic Requirements Students must provide evidence of academic performance appropriate to entry to the year level requested on the Application for Enrolment. Students should have maintained at least "passing grades" in all subjects undertaken in the last full academic year of study, to be considered for entry into the School. The School will take into account extenuating circumstances that may have adversely affected academic progress should documentation of such be provided. 

English Proficiency Requirements 
Most international students for whom English is a second or other language require a period English language training when they first arrive at the School. All Saints International Centre is an accredited English Language College, at which the School conducts its High School Preparation Programme. The High School Preparation Course caters for students with English language proficiency from beginner to advanced level. As such, where no initial minimum English language entry proficiency is prescribed, students are required to undertake a School English Placement test on arrival to determine at what level they should enter the School's 'High School Preparation Course', or whether they can gain direct entry into the Mainstream School.

English as second language

High School Preparation Course



Students may choose between either Boarding on campus, or living with a Homestay family.


Elementary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary Queensland Curriculum.

Special programs

Academic school with renowned music program



All students must play in the inter-school sports competition each week. There are many sports to choose from.

Student support

Psychologists, Student Counselors, Academic Counselors and Essay Counselling available to all international students.



Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, golf course, gymnasium, lakes for environmental studies, 3 theatres, Church etc.


Features of the local area

Close to beaches and tourist areas.


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