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聖斯蒂芬中學Saint Stephen's College

  • 國家:澳洲

  • 地址:Reserve Road, Coomera QLD 4209

  • 網址:

  • 招收年級:Prep-12年級

  • 招收性別:男女合校

  • 短期課程:針對國際學生,我們接受短期學生。

  • 簡介:自成一派

聖斯蒂芬學院是澳大利亞昆士蘭州黃金海岸的一所共同教育的P-12獨立學校。 學生可以在聖史蒂芬學院學習一到短短的一天到多年。聖斯蒂芬學院的學生在學術、體育和文化活動的所有領域取得了令人矚目的成就,但我們社區的精神真正使我們與其他學校有所差異。 我們努力培養充滿品格、有能力充分發揮潛力、以生活為責任的全球和本地公民的學生。

我們重視學生的全球視野的發展,透過將國內學生與我們蓬勃發展的國際學生結合起來,實現了這一點。 我們所有的學生都體驗到豐富的學習,優良的設施和有遠見的技術,如我們的數字互動學習空間,鼓勵豐富的參與和協作。

  • 體育/社團活動:聖斯蒂芬學院有大量特殊課程,體育課和課外活動可在大學時間內外進行。所有聖斯蒂芬大學生的體育和課外活動都是完整的教育經歷的重要組成部分。學生們還可以通過私立學校協會享受參與競選體育選擇的機會。學院還為學生提供了一系列體育競賽的機會,包括通過我們的運動精英計劃提供的體育運動。通過課外機會,表演藝術節目為戲劇,音樂和舞蹈的關鍵領域提供了機會。

  • 學校支援:ESL支持,學習支持,有天賦,有才華,強化英語,卓越運動等等。

  • 申請流程:申請加入聖斯蒂芬學院很容易。 只需填寫入學申請表格,並附上您的護照副本和您最近兩年的學校報告。 根據申請人的英語水平,將向成功申請人提供完整的主流課程或修訂的強化英語課程。

  • ESL課程:提供綜合的初級和高級強化英語課程。

  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司

  • 住宿:聖斯蒂芬學院與黃金海岸學生住宿中心一起營造令人印象深刻的寄宿計劃。

  • 課程: 鼓勵學生追求卓越的學術素質,並考慮到個人品格的發展。所有學生在英語,歷史,數學,體育和科學的核心課程領域學習科目。一系列額外的機會,包括專業科目和選修課,增強了這一核心課程。

  • 校園:科馬拉是黃金海岸北端的情況。黃金海岸是澳大利亞第六大城市,人口超過55.5萬。黃金海岸是澳大利亞增長最快的城市之一。黃金海岸城市被確定為世界上最適合居住在政治,社會,經濟和環境因素,人身安全和健康方面的地方之一。

School information


Saint Stephen's College is a co-educational, P-12 independent school at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Students can study at Saint Stephen’s College for as short as one day to as long many years. 
Students at Saint Stephen's College enjoy impressive success in all areas of academics, sporting and cultural pursuits, but it is the "spirit" of our community that truly sets us apart from other schools. We strive to develop students who are full of character, who are empowered to reach their full potential, and who live their lives as responsible global and local citizens. 
We value the development of global perspectives in our students and we achieve this through integrating our domestic students with our thriving community of international students. All of our students experience rich learning, excellent facilities and visionary technology such as our digitally interactive learning spaces that encourage rich engagement and collaboration.


Application process

Applying to enrol in Saint Stephen's College is easy. Simply fill in the Application for Enrolment form and submit this with a copy of your passport and your last two years of school reports. Depending on the English proficiency of the applicant a full mainstream or a modified program with Intensive English classes will be offered to successful applicants.

English as second language

An integrated Junior and Senior Intensive English program


Saint Stephen's College runs an impressive homestay program in conjunction with Gold Coast Student Accommodation Centre.


Students are encouraged to pursue academic excellence and are challenged to reflect on the development of their personal character. All students study subjects across the core curriculum areas of English, History, Mathematics, Physical Education and Science. A range of additional opportunities including specialist subjects and elective subjects enhances this core curriculum.

Special programs

Saint Stephen's College has a large number of special programs, sports and extracurricular activities available both inside and outside of College hours.



Sport and extracurricular activities are an important part of the complete educational experience for all Saint Stephen’s College students. Students also enjoy opportunities to participate in their choice of competitive sports through the Association of Private Schools. The College also presents opportunities for students to compete at a higher level in a range of sports, including those offered through our sports excellence program. Through extracurricular opportunities, the performing arts program offers opportunities in the key areas of theatre, music and dance.

Student support

ESL support, Learning Support, Gifted and Talented, Intensive English, Sports Excellence and much more.



Saint Stephen's College has world-class facilities for learning. The young age of the College allows the ability and freedom to build learning spaces using state of the art technology. Saint Stephen's College has an impressive i-Centre, Interactive Language Centre, Arts and Applied Technology precinct, super Science Centre, Multi-Purpose Hall with mezzanine gymnasium, sports dome, and much much more.

Features of the local area

Coomera is a situation on the northern end of the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast is Australia's 6th largest city, with a population of over 555,000. The Gold Coast is one of Australia's fastest growing cities. Gold Coast City has been identified as one of the most desirable places in the world to live ranked on political, social, economic and environmental factors, personal safety and health.
Serviced by two international and domestic airports, the Gold Coast is the international gateway to 26 destinations worldwide provided by 30 airlines. The Gold Coast is located less than one hour's drive south from Brisbane - a rail link and Pacific Motorway connects Brisbane to the Gold Coast.
Gold Coast City's climate is sub-tropical with 287 days of sunshine annually and an average water temperature of 22 degrees. The Gold Coast, Australia's city for learning and living has a strong reputation for quality education in a safe and friendly environment, making the Gold Coast the first choice for many Australian and international students; offering a traditional and contemporary range of innovative study programs from schools, vocational training and universities.


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