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梅賽德斯學院Mercedes College

  • 國家:澳洲

  • 地址:540 Fullarton Road, Springfield, South Australia, 5062

  • 網址:

  • 招收年級:6-11年級

  • 招收性別:男女合校

  • 短期課程:學校有1、2和3學期課程,1年課程和更長的課程。


  • 簡介: 梅賽德斯學院為國際學校協會的一員,提供IB學程也是天主教教會學校。

  • 社團活動安排:基本課程的運動包括:高爾夫、衝浪、騎自行車、攀岩和皮划船。競技體育包括:板球、越野跑、游泳、網球、田徑、水球、排球、籃球、澳大利亞規則足球、足球、曲棍球、乒乓球、沙灘排球、壘球和網球。


  • 學校支援:對於國際學生,除了家庭小組教師和其他支持人員外,還有一個學生福利協調員,每天24小時提供寄宿家庭助理,學術顧問,2名國際辦公室文員,學校心理學家和職業指導協調員。

學校為一些國際高中生提供MacBook Air筆記本電腦、最先進的信息技術資源(包括整個校園各角落都有WiFi),5個科學實驗室、表演藝術(電影、戲劇和音樂)中心和多媒體套件,2間體育館,帶有相鄰教室的演講廳、2個現場橢圓形、6個現場網球/網球場、全球休息室、學生用餐時間烹飪設施、現代圖書館和信息資源中心、校園食堂以及特別12年級地區,包括直接進入12年級教師的學習區、電腦、打印機、複印機和帶烹飪設施的Al Fresco用餐區。


  • 申請流程:學生可以進行AEAS測試,但不是強制性的。在進修過程中會進行另一次測試,以便將它們分配給適合自己學術能力的課程。有些學生可能必須在英文作文中寫一篇英文作文。


  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司

  • 住宿:由學校安排的寄宿家庭。

  • 課程:國際文憑課程(PYP,中學項目和文憑)和南澳大利亞教育證書。


  • 校園:距離當地著名的購物中心(包括6個電影院和火車站)3分鐘路程;距離阿德萊德市中心有15分鐘路程,距離海灘20分鐘路程;距離國際機場20分鐘路程;距離阿德萊德山脈有10分鐘路程。火車和公共汽車服務於位於阿德萊德富裕郊區的學區,坐落在風景如畫的山麓,俯瞰阿德萊德市和海灘。              

School information

Application process

It is preferable, but not compulsory, for students to take an AEAS test. Another testing will occur during orientation, so to allocate them to classes suited to their academic abilities. Some students may have to write an English essay as part of their application.

English as second language

Several programmes are available, depending on the student's English ability. The school has an onsite Language Centre that has hybrid classes with mainstream teachers and classes.


Homestay arranged by the school.


International Baccalaureate (PYP, MYP and Diploma) and South Australian Certificate of Education.

Special programs

A variety of specialist programmes are available.



Curriculum based sports include: Golf, Surfing, Cycling, Rock Climbing, and Canoeing. Competitive sports include: Cricket, Cross Country running, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Water Polo, Volleyball, Basketball, Australian Rules football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Table Tennis, Beach Volleyball, Softball, and Netball.
Other activities include Chess, Social Justice committee, Student Representative Council, World Culture Club, Debating and a variety of competitions including the Australian Share Market Competition.


Student support

For international students, there is a Student Welfare Co-ordinator available 24 hours a day, a Homestay Assistant, an Academic Adviser, 2 International Office Clerks, a school Psychologist and a Careers Guidance Coordinator, in addition to Home Group teachers and other support staff.



School supplied MacBook Air Laptop computers for some International High school students, State-of-the-art Information Technology Resource (including the whole campus is WiFi), 5 Science Labs, a Performing Arts (Film, Drama and Music) Centre and Multimedia suite, 2 Gymnasiums, Lecture theatre with adjoining tutorial rooms, 2 on-site Ovals, 6 on-site Tennis/Netball courts, Global Lounge with cooking facilities for student meal times, modern Library and Information Resource Centre, On campus Canteen, and a special Year 12 area including study area with direct access to Year 12 teachers, computers, printers, photocopiers and an Al Fresco dining area with cooking facilities.

Features of the local area

3 minutes from the local prestigious shopping centre (including 6 cinemas and train station), 15 minutes from downtown Adelaide, 20 minutes from the beach, 20 minutes from the International airport and 10 minutes from the Adelaide Hills. Both trains and buses service the school area, which is in an affluent suburb of Adelaide, set in the picturesque foothills overlooking the city of Adelaide and beaches


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