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坎特伯雷學院 Canterbury College


  • 國家:澳洲

  • 地址:Old Logan Village Road, Waterford, QLD Australia

  • 網址:

  • 招收年級:1-6歳與家長同往,7 – 12年級走勤生

  • 招收性別:男女合校

  • 短期就讀:接受短於12週內的學習學生

  • 簡介:坎特伯雷國際學院是布里斯班和黃金海岸之間獲獎的共同教育學院,所有學生都可以獲得學術和社會潛力。


  • 獲獎的幼稚園至12年級的共同教育學校

  • 共有1400名學生/ 100名國際學生(走勤生佔全校人數的8%)

  • 2016年合格畢業生中有99%提供了大學學位

  • ELICOS /高中準備英語課程 - 前9週有25%折扣

  • 資優音樂家、舞蹈演員和演員藝術學院

  • 提供學生建築及職業教育貿易培訓中心

  • 大學職業諮詢和過渡計劃

  • 在11年級和12年級期間可就讀大學科目

  • 可在11年級和12年級學習的文憑和證書III和IV

  • 鑑定有資格和有才華的學生,提供滿足學生不同學習需求的教育課程

  • 布魯克林校區的藝術設施和設施

  • 坎特伯雷管理的寄宿家庭計劃

  • 廣泛的體育和文化活動選擇申請流程:建議申請10-11年級學生托福須考65分以上。

  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司

  • 入學需求:不要求學期成績,只要提供英文能力測驗結果。

  • ESL課程:提供高中升學密集英語課程。

  • 住宿:學校負責安排寄宿家庭。

  • 課程:科學,藝術,人文,技術等多個學科領域。。

  • 特殊課程:藝術學院 - 音樂,舞蹈,戲劇。 音樂:合唱團,樂隊,管弦樂團,樂團,課程。 貿易培訓。 舞蹈團,演講,戲劇與傳播。

  • 活動與體育:分別為男學生與女學生規劃所適合的不同的活動與運動。

  • 30公頃的天然林地。 專業教室,科學實驗室,語言中心,藝術學院,貿易培訓中心,室內體育中心,六個運動場。

  • 校園:本校位於布里斯班和黃金海岸之間,方便學生與家長前往昆士蘭州體驗最令人嚮往的活動和娛樂活動。


School information

School:Canterbury College


Address:Old Logan Village Road, Waterford, QLD Australia

Web site:

Years of entry:Kindergarten to Year 6 (with parents); Year 7 to Year 12 (homestay).

Girls / Boys /


        Short programsShort-term Study Abroad experience for less than 12         weeks.

Short programs:

Canterbury International is an award-winning co-educational College between Brisbane and the Gold Coast where all students can achieve their academic and social potential.

Key features:

  • Award winning Kindergarten to Year 12 co-educational school 

  • 1400 students / 100 international students (8% of student population)

  • 99% of 2016 eligible graduates offered a University place

  • ELICOS / High School Preparation English course on campus – 25% discount of first 9 weeks

  • Arts Academy for gifted Musicians, Dancers and Actors

  • Trade Training Centre for Hospitality and Construction and Vocational Education in a trade

  • Extensive Careers Counselling and transition planning to University

  • Access to University subjects during Years 11 & 12

  • Diploma and Certificates III and IV available for study in Years 11 and 12

  • Identification of Gifted and Talented students with educational programs that cater to students' varying learning needs

  • State of the Art amenities and facilities on a bushland campus

  • Canterbury-managed Homestay Program

  • Extensive choice of sporting and cultural activities

Application process:No academic testing is necessary, however evidence of English language ability is required.

English as second language:On campus High School Preparation/Intensive English program

Accommodation:The School will arrange homestay accommodation.


Programs:Diverse range of academic subjects in science, arts, humanities, technology.

Special programs:Arts Academy – Music, Dance, Drama. Music: choirs, bands, orchestras, ensembles, lessons. Trade Training. Dance Ensembles, Speech, Drama and Communication.

Sports:Diverse range of sports programs for boys and girls


Expansive playing fields and state-of-the-art amenities set on over 30 hectares of natural bushland. Specialist classrooms, Science Laboratories, Language Centre, Arts Academy, Trade Training Centre, Indoor Sports Centres, Six playing fields.

Features of the local area:

Situated halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, the College offers convenient access to some of the most exciting activities and places in Queensland.


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